The mature King
In his great power the King has positive qualities of being a community based leader, offering clear guidance to the people in his ‘Kingdom,’ and organizing the many aspects of life into a clear and logical order. Able to tap into a deep wisdom to be a moral leader to others, the King can rule with a broad social vision and discernment. Integrity is a key quality of the King and he mends broken relationships, keeps his word, acts with honesty, and takes responsibility for his actions.
He is who he says he is; he doesn’t have one set of principles for Sundays and one for the rest of the week.
The immature King
When abused, the power of the King, leads to greed and dominating control, switching from the role of provider to one of generating fear or scarcity. Lack of consciousness of this power easily turns great Kings into Dictators. It’s an important responsibility for a leader to also maintain humble pride.
The King in modern daily life
Embody ‘the King’ and be sure to take the lead when the opportunity appears. Then, use your role as the leader to find ways in which you can empower others and bring out their greatness instead of boasting about your own.
You can find ways to be generous in words and actions, to have a community around you that thrives and is all-inclusive.
- Stand tall with a humble pride (in your body) … all week long. In line at the bank, talking to friends, etc… Use your posture emulate The King.
- Look people in the eye with a sense of interest and depth.
- Clearly identify somewhere in your life where you are asked to lead others and observe how you use the power given to you. Write it down and reference it through the week.
- Find specific ways to empower others and highlight their greatness. Note your method and results.
- Define on paper and then embody the traits of a true leader in your eyes.
The King on the mat
- Keep the chest up and open from the inside. Imagine the muscles inside the ribs creating the lift rather then the outer surface muscles.
- Keep your mind focused on steady and smooth breath to keep a balanced state of mind.
- Be honest with yourself regarding your personal limits and boundaries with each pose.
POSES: King Pigeon, Tree Pose, Natarajasana, Cobra, Upward Dog
The King
Taking responsibility not only for his own life, but the lives of others, the King is one of the most recognizable and easily corruptible Jungian archetypes. This is the archetype of power, plain and simple, but what comes with power is a dangerous tightrope walk between order and chaos. The King isn’t concerned with a singular purpose—he must weigh the entirety of the community they oversee in all decisions, and as such, are rarely universally loved. Let's explore how to be more humbly confident, generous and empowering.